Control the Controllables

Experiencing this current state of pandemic globally will only make us stronger once we are out of it. This coronavirus has escalated quickly. Stores are out of everyday supplies such as toiletpaper and hand sanitizer and water. People are stocking up on items as if it were the apocalypse.

The fear and scarcity mindset that is instilled in the majority of people is sad. Very sad.

Yet, I have hope.

Hope that this pulls families closer together. Hope that we get to know our neighbors. Hope that beauty will flourish as this pandemic subsides.

Could be 2 weeks. Could be 4 months. We don’t know.

All we know is that we can control the controllables.

The controllables are our thoughts. Our actions. How we choose to represent ourselves during this time of imposed chaos.

We control if we are going to snatch the last 3 packs of tp or if we are going to allow the next 2 people to have one.

We control if we are going to hoard ourselves up in our house and complain about everything going on while intoxicating ourselves with sugars and alcohols.

And we control if we are going to take care of our minds, bodies, and souls by nourishing them with good foods, taking walks and hikes to enjoy the sun, and staying connected with family and friends.

We control the controllables.

I’m choosing to stay positive and proactive, while LEADing from a place of understanding.

To LEAD is part of my purpose of life.

Love: be love, share love.

Energy: fuel my mind, body, and soul with the best.

Abundant mindset: think big, do bigger for the greater good.

Daily gratitude: stay in the moment and reflect upon people, things, and moments I’m grateful for.

I control how I LEAD.

What are you controlling?

During this time, it’s so important to connect with yur purpose. If you don’t know yours yet, take the time to reflect upon the things you enjoy most.

What’s your WHY?

What brings happiness to your soul and a smile to your face?

Do more of that.

Control the controllables.

This too shall pass.

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